iPhone Golf GPS Scorecard, Historical Game Review

Travel Album,  Download from Google Play

Golf GPS Scorecard, Download from Google Play

Golf GPS Scorecard Lite, Download from Google Play

MapMemo Diary, Download from Google Play

Golf GPS Scorecard for iPhone, Download from iTune 

Golf GPS Scorecard iPhone - Game Review

  1. Here is the "Historical-Game-List" screen, it shows all the games ever created include  course name,  time and score of the game.
  2. From the "search bar" on top of the screen you search the specific game by course name .
  3. Sort games by "date",  if tap the bottom left "sort-by-date" button.  Or by "course name" if tap the bottom right "sort by course" button.
  4. Swipe the "game-list-item" can delete the game.
  5. Click the "game-list-item" can go the screen below (scorecard screen) to review the game.

  1. Scorecard for game review.
  2. Tap the "hole-list-item" will go to "Historical-mp-view"(as below) to see your shot path.
  3. Tap the bottom left "STAT..." button will go to "Statistics-screen" to see the game statistics.
  4. Tap the bottom right "CSV..." button will go to "CSV-screen". You can export the score as CSV file and share with friends view E-mail or other method your iPhone supports.

  1. "Historical-map-view", show you your shot path.
  2. Click the shot marker will show you the "info-window".
  3. Click the "info-window" will see the full size picture if you have took the picture at that time.
  4. Tap the bottom middle "Share" button, can copy current screen as file and share with friends via E-mail or other methods your iPhone supports as below screen.

Share screen snapshot with friends.

Game Statistics screen

  1. Here is the CSV for game score.
  2. Click the top right button can export the game score as CSV file and share with friends via E-mail or other methods your iPhone supports.



Golf GPS Scorecard V1.5.1