Golf GPS Scorecard Version 1.3.4

Travel Album,  Download from Google Play

Golf GPS Scorecard, Download from Google Play

Golf GPS Scorecard Lite, Download from Google Play

MapMemo Diary, Download from Google Play

Golf GPS Scorecard for iPhone, Download from iTune 

Table of content
  1. Current Version : 1.3.6
  2. Uses report exception
  3. Version 1.3.6 new feature (2013/05/04)
  4. Benefit
  5. Change Log
  6. Main screen function
    1. Start - Create a new game or start from current game.
      1. Record shots
      2. Update current shots or Delete shots
    2. History - Searching for historical game and review every shot path on map. 
      1. Searching for historical games
      2. Review historical game
    3. STATS - game STATS.
      1. STATS for most recently 3 games
      2. STATS for current game
    4. What's in my bag - Setting for what's in my bag.
    5. Setting - app global setting.
    6. About 
  7. Measure distance
  8. Sharing
    1. Sharing screen snapshot 
    2. Share CSV file 
  9. Live leader board  
    1. Find current round
    2. Create a new round
  10. Players map view



Golf GPS Scorecard V1.5.1