Golf GPS Scorecard Lite V1.0

Golf GPS Scorecard Lite V1.0

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  1. Golf GPS Scorecard 
  2. Golf GPS Scorecard Lite

Change Log

Version 1.0, 2012/09/??, the initial version.


This is a very simple and easy golf scorecard provides you the clarify user interface and basic scorecard functionality, like (1) Record the score, (2) Measure distance via Google map and (3) Provide game STATS. That's the reason why it is a lite version. 

Beside that we also offer another more powerful Golf GPS Scorecard app. It can record the Geo position, club used and distance of your every shot in the game.  

Screen Flow

App Flow

  1. After start up app, the Main-Screen is the first screen show up. 
  2. Long click every list-view item on Main-Screen will transfer to Input-Screen to input the score, like Step- C in the Screen Flow.
  3. But before that you have to create a game first by enter the course name, the player, like Step-B
  4. On Main-Screen, press the option menu "GPS Map" will go to GPS-Map-Screen, like Step-D
    1. There are 2 buttons on the bottom right of the screen. 
    2. Click the upper button, you enable the measure distance function, you can measure the distance between the GPS signal point and the point you click on the screen. Click the button again, then you disable the function. 
    3. Click the lower button then place the GPS signal point on the center of the screen.   
  5. On Main-Screen, press the option menu "STATS" will go to STATS-Screen, like Step-F. It shows your STATS information of the current game. (currently, only provide your STATS, not for the other 3 players)

Screen Map

  1. Main-Screen
  2. Input-Screen
  3. GPS-Map-Screen
  4. STATS-Screen
  5. More Dialog
  6. New Game Dialog

Main-Screen with option menu
  1. New Game
  2. GPS Map
  3. STATS
  4. More App
  5. About
  6. More
Main-Screen after creating a game
  1. Date and course display on screen.

Main-Screen with score
STATS-Screen, so far, only for "ME",
not for the other 3 players

Input-Screen, click the digit
will show up the soft keyboard 

to input score




There are 2 option menu items, "More App" and "About", click them will 

  1. More App, will launch browser and navigate to another free app, Golf GPS Scorecard.
  2. About will launch browser and navigate to this page to read the document.




Golf GPS Scorecard V1.5.1