Golf GPS Scorecard V1.2.2


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  1. Golf GPS Scorecard 
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Change Log

Version 1.00 : 2012/07/20, Initial version.
Version 1.01 : 2012/07/23
  1. Add #5 hybrid option in "What's in My Bag" .

Version 1.1 : 2012/07/29, 
  1. Add Traditional Chinese Version. 
  2. Improve user interface largely, particularly the camera view and the layout in "My-Shot-Screen".

Version 1.2 : 2012/08/12, 
  1. Add "Game Statistics" function. 
  2. Improve user interface,  add "sparkle text" on current GPS position to remind user.
  3. Improve user interface, change input method for "Hole" and "Par" setting
    1. Click "Hole" or "Par" button will increase by 1. 
    2. Long click "Hole" or "Par" button will decrease by 1 .
  4. Improve performance and the bug fixed.

Version 1.2.1 : 2012/08/23, 
  1. Add new function, "share with Facebook", on almost every screen, to snapshot current screen as .png file and publish on Facebook wall, if you have a Facebook account.   
  2. Add "animate" function on Historical-Map-View-Screen. This allow you to animate your every shot the hole in the screen by pressing one button.  
  3. Add "Hole" and "Par" information on Current-Map-View-Screen.
  4. Bug fixed for very few device which do not support specific camera preview size on My-Shot-Screen. 

Version 1.2.2 : 2012/09/06, 
  1. Largely changing the app flow, make it more clearly by adding a Main-Screen as the whole app entry point. 
  2. Simplify current recording the shots process, on Current-Map-View, we omit the "press man-with-pin icon" step.  Now tap on the "blue-whit-point" will transfer to My-Shot-Screen to record the shots directly.
  3. STATS function on Main-Screen, STATS from Main-Screen calculated from the most recently 3 games.
  4. Change to Facebook SSO (Single Sign On). 
  5. User interface enhancement, like the "Distance" function.
  6. Bug fixed  

1.2.3 : 2012/09/23, 
  1. Add new Live Leader-Board functionality.
  2. Change the app flow, my-scorecard-screen will be the first screen. Press every hole item will then go to the map-screen to record the shots. 

Main Benefit

  1. Record GPS path and take fairway picture for every shot every hole.
  2. Record club used for every shot in "My-Scorecard-Screen". 
  3. Show distance (with/without slope) between shots.
  4. Snapshot app screen and save as png file on phone for later use, such as  sharing with friends on Facebook, as course reference and so on.
  5. Search historical games by score, date, course.
  6. Setting for "What's in My Bag".
  7. Provide game statistics, including how many Birdies, Pars, GIRs and so on. 
  8. Live Leader-Board functionality.

Main Function

  1. Create and start a new Game : Create a new game and start recording information on every shot, including club, score, put, and so on.
  2. Setting "What's in My Bag".
  3. Snapshot Screen : Snapshot whole screen and save as .png file onto phone directory.
  4. Search all games ever created.
  5. Game Statistics. 
  6. Share Facebook : Snapshot and publish onto your Facebook wall. 
  7. Help and Recommend : Documentation and author information.

Screen Flow 

App Flow - 1. Recording your shots and score

  • Step-A, on Main-Screen, press the "Start" item will go to Current-Map-View, You can find  your current GPS position, the "blue-white-point", in the screen. 

  • Step-B, on Current-Map-View,  tap the "blue-white-point" will transfer to My-Shot-Screen to record your shot here.      
  • Step-C,   After recording the shot, press back button to return to  Current-Map-View. on Current-Map-View, click the option menu, "My Score",  will go to My-Scorecard-Screen. It shows your current game scorecard.
option menu


  • Step-D, on  My-Scorecard-Screen, click on every list-view item will lead you to  Historical-Map-View. You can track your every shot path and watch the photo (from the Geo potion you take the shot) here.


App Flow - 2. History

  • Step-E, on  Main-Screen, click on History, will transfer to Game-List-Screen. There are all the games you ever created.  Press the Date, Course or Score buttons on top of the screen will sort the games by Date, Course or Score.
  • Step-Fclick on  every list-view item on Game-List-Screen will go to My-Scorecard-Screen. It shows you the game scorecard. And long click on it if you want to delete the game.
  • Step-D on  My-Scorecard-Screen, click on every list-view item will lead you to  Historical-Map-View. You can track your every shot path and watch the photo (from the Geo potion you take the shot) here.

App Flow - 3. What's in my Bag

  • Step-G, Setting for what's in my bag, ONLY the club checked (setting) here will be shown in the My-Shot-Screen for pick up.

App Flow - 4. STATS

  • Step-H,  on Main-Screen, press the "STATS" item will go to My-STATS, it show you the most recent 3 games STATS. 

App Flow - 5. About

Step-I,  about, include 

  • More free app
  • Help
  • Recommends
  • Report bugs 

About dialog

Screen Map

  1. Main-Screen 
  2. Current-Map-View-Screen
  3. My-Bag-Screen
  4. My-Shot-Screen
  5. My-Scorecard-Screen
  6. Historical-Map-View-Screen
  7. Game-List-Screen
  8. My-Statistics-Screen




Golf GPS Scorecard V1.5.1