Golf GPS Scorecard Share with Facebook
Share with Facebook
From Version 1.2.1, almost every screen provide "Share Facebook" menu item to snapshot current screen as .png file and publish on Facebook wall directly, if you have Facebook account.
After press the "Share Facebook" menu item, the app first snapshots current screen as .png file and saves it onto phone as current "Snapshot" function. Then it will pop up a Facebook authorize dialog, if you never use "Share Facebook" before. Enter your Facebook account and password to log into Facebook.
From Version 1.2.2, we change to use Facebook SSO login, the authorize screen may not be same as the current screen shot.
Press the "Install" button to install the Facebook app "Golf GPS Scorecard". And allow the "Post on your behalf" permission.

Now, the app will publish the saved screen snapshot file on your Facebook wall and pop up a android Toast message box to show you it begins to upload the file to Facebook. Finally, it will show the result on the android status bar, later.
After all, you can check it on your Facebook wall. Sometime, due to network issue or what, the publish may not be successful, just try it again.